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    Juncera was invited to participate in Bangladesh Internation

    2019-12-17 06:11:03 admin 1027
        From December 5 to 7, 2019, the biennial Bangladesh International Ceramics Exhibition (Bangladesh Ceramics Expo) opened in Dhaka. The exhibition hall area of the Expo is 13000 square meters, which is an international professional ceramic exhibition that can not be missed. Many international famous ceramic enterprises will come to participate in the exhibition. V & B glaze, an overseas company of Zibo Juntao ceramic materials Co., Ltd., was invited to participate in the exhibition.
    Our V & B glaze exhibition hall has attracted many customers。

    Our participants are very happy to talk with the representatives of other countries.
    At the exhibition site, we helped the representatives of various countries to raise questions and had a pleasant talk.
    Delegates discussed cooperation with exhibitors from all over the world.
    Exhibitors appreciate the high quality of contact during the exhibition and the fact that most of the consultations are related to specific projects.
    All Juncera  people and V & B-glaze people congratulate the successful closing of bangladesh-2019 Ceramics Expo.
    • Good life plan

    • Smart toilet
    • Rock board home life
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    BoTest 陶瓷網 武漢理工大學 vbglaze

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