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    Zibo Juncera 2023 Annual Meeting: Consolidate Jiazhang and Create Brilliance Together

    2023-01-14 11:33:07 Juncera 547

    Zibo Juncera 2023 Annual Meeting: Consolidate Jiazhang and Create Brilliance Together

    Jin Hu sends spring home, and Yutu welcomes spring. At 17:00 pm on January 5, 2023, all the staff of Juncera gathered at Ramada Ginza Hotel in Zibo to welcome the arrival of 2023 with the theme of "Cohesion of Jiazhang and Creation of Brilliance".


    At the site of the annual meeting, the company leaders expressed their deep concern for all the staff of Juncera and their expectations for the company's development. The rise of the company cannot be separated from the old employees and seniors who worked together to create the company. At the meeting, the leaders gave cash awards to employees for three years and five years.


    In order to thank the employees for their hard work in the year, the annual meeting was interspersed with a raffle. The awards were the special prize (iPhone 14), the first prize (iPad), the second prize (Apple headphones), and the third prize (cash 500). With the generation of the winners of the awards, the applause and cheers on the spot continued, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax.


          The whole annual meeting concluded successfully in a harmonious, warm and happy atmosphere. Looking back on 2022, we made concerted efforts to work hard and achieve common results. Looking forward to 2023, we have the same goal and full of confidence,and look forward to a more brilliant future for Juncera!


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