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    The 10th anniversary ceremony of Juncera 2024 was successfully concluded

    2024-01-29 16:42:45 Juncera 184

    Time flies, time flies, ten years is just a moment in the long river of history, but it is so magnificent. In these ten years, we have witnessed the development and prosperity of Juncera, and also witnessed the deep relationship between Juncera employees and the company.


    On January 27, 2024, we welcomed the 10th anniversary of Juncera at Haiyue Hotel Zibo, which is not only a review of the past, but also a prospect of the future. 

    The achievements of the past ten years cannot be separated from the unremitting efforts and hard work of Juncera employees, for which the company established the 7-year employee award, 5-year Employee award and 3-year employee award.


    With the laughter and laughter, the most exciting prize draw was ushered in, during which Juncera prepared a number of awards such as Grand Prize, first prize, second prize, third prize, and memorial prize. This link not only makes the atmosphere of the scene more warm, but also conveys the company's care and warmth to the employees. The pageant reached its climax with the winner.


    In the next ten years, we are confident that Juncera will continue to attract more people with its unique charm. Let's look forward to this wonderful moment and work together for Juncera's future. Let's work together to create a better future for Juncera.

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