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    Juncera awarded the "excellent supplier" of KEDA

    2020-12-11 05:23:46 admin 1158
    Recently, Juncera attended the "KEDA’s 2020 Annual Supplier Convention" ,and won the honorary of "excellent supplier of the year 2019-2020".

    At the dinner, Bian Cheng, chairman of KEDA manufacturing, made an opening speech and expressed welcome and thanks to all suppliers.

    As a leading enterprise in China and even the world ceramic machinery industry, KEDA Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2002. It covers ceramic machinery, wall material machinery, stone machinery and other building materials machinery, overseas ceramic production and sales, clean energy and environmental protection, lithium electric materials, hydraulic pumps, fluid machinery, intelligent energy and other businesses. Kodak actively distributes around the world, and has established more than 10 R & D and production bases in Asia, Europe and Africa, and its products are sold to more than 50 countries and regions.

    In 2020, several whole line projects of Juncera will be successfully completed, mainly relying on the high-quality equipment of big brands such as Keda and Litai, plus Junera’s two core products: one is "building ceramic technology" edited by botest, which plays a key role in the training; the other is the expert management system of architectural ceramics developed by Junera. The systematic monitoring of process parameters provides theoretical basis for production debugging.

    Juncera's management and technical personnel are engaged in the inorganic nonmetallic industry. Among them, there are 2 master's degrees, 4 bachelor's degrees, 6 Jingdezhen Ceramic University, and 2 professors and overseas doctors from Wuhan University of technology. High quality inorganic materials testing center. Juncera is committed to developing into a supplier of quality solutions for the global ceramic industry.

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