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    Finished glaze overall solutions

    2019-07-10 16:48:49 admin 1310
    Glaze solutions
    (1) Full-range technical service(body +kiln+ glaze+ design). The specific products are mainly based on the customer's ceramic firing conditions.
    (2) Homogenous glaze with more glossy, more transparency and more abrasion resistant.
    (3) Full polished glaze with high glossy, more transparency, more colorful for inkjet and good acid and alkali resistance.
    (4) Matte glaze series has a good sense of color layering, the fine and smooth of glaze surface, good antifouling properties and good acid and alkali resistance.
    • Good life plan

    • Smart toilet
    • Rock board home life
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    BoTest 陶瓷網 武漢理工大學 vbglaze

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